The future of canteens – Toma & Pej

The challenge

Imagine a canteen that is fully digitalised. Employees order lunch, access menus, and pay with a digital canteen card on their phone and invoicing between parties is sorted autonomously to ensure a smooth administrative process.

The solution

This was the goal presented by Toma, one of the largest canteen suppliers in Norway, when they contacted Pej. Today, Toma has multiple locations with Pej that are fully operational, complete with digital canteen cards, order verification units, and PORAS (Pej and Oracle Report & Analytics Solution).

Since 2020, the joint effort has led to Pej having one of the most comprehensive and scalable canteen solutions on the market, one that is appreciated both by Toma’s staff and dining guests.

Magne Haugen, Head of Payment Solutions at Toma, says that Pej has been an important part of their ongoing efforts toward canteen digitalisation.

- Having digital solutions is very important for our customers. Pej helps us to offer an outstanding product, beneficial for all parties, Magne Hauge, Head of Payment Solutions.

The result

1. Digital canteen cards

To order and pay for discounted meals, employees have a personal digital canteen card in Toma’s app, provided by Pej. The card is easy to set up, impossible to lose and flexible in terms of credit or debit – it can either be pre-charged or run on credit.

Through the adoption of a digital canteen card, Toma has experienced significant improvements in its daily operations. Employees now enjoy lunch without enduring long queues at the counter. This allows staff to prioritise their core tasks, ensuring the delivery of high-quality lunches while maintaining a clean and welcoming environment for guests.

2. Order verification units

After an order has been placed, the guest receives a QR code in the app. As a final step of verification, the QR code is scanned in one of Pej’s order verification units. The guest gets a printed note to show the staff, and the meal is served – bon appetit!

3. Reports and analytics solutions

To reduce time spent on invoicing and handling the administrative tasks of a rather complex payment flow Pej has developed PORAS. In short, It provides Toma with ready-to-send invoices of each employer’s monthly expenditures as it automatically handles order information provided by Oracle’s Gift & Loyalty Credit Programs. PORAS has been an important part to reduce Tomas’s time spent on administrative tasks:

- PORAS is a game changer. It saves the finance department a significant amount of time as they don’t need to collect ordering data from each employers and employees’ expenses. This demonstrates how important digital elements in canteens is a win-win situation, Joel Oredsson, COO Pej


Contract catering




"Pej helps us offer an outstanding product, beneficial for all parties.”

Magne Hauge

Head of Payment Solutions