Nov 22, 2023

Let’s introduce the zero-click checkout kiosk for contract catering

The zero-click kiosk is designed for buzzy canteens where guests value speed and convenience. It’s the perfect solution for traditional workplace or school canteens where lunch is offered at a fixed price and efficiency is important.

Here’s how it works: Guests simply identify themselves with a physical or digital identifier (QR-code, mag card, RFID tag, application) – if it’s a single price canteen, a purchase is made automatically and… That’s it.

Easy payment

Payments can be made in multiple ways. The employee allowance or subsidised cost can be billed directly to the client via invoice, while the remainder can, for example, be deducted from a credit card. Administration of accounts and employees are conveniently managed within the guest management solution.

This kiosk comes with two options:

Kiosk for one choice only (zero clicks)

Dan taps his credit card, and proceeds to grab his lunch from the buffet. Easy!

Kiosk for a few choices (very few clicks)

Frida walks into the canteen and taps her RFID tag. On the screen, she’s presented with three options: one vegetarian, one with meat and today’s sallad. She chooses the meat and moves on to collect the meal. Also easy!

Swift administration

The administration of the offers is handled in the guest management tool by you or the client. Powered by a sophisticated rule engine, the administration tool allows for granular personalisation. Discounts and subsidies can be applied based on specific schedules or occasions – some guests might receive a subsidised lunch on Mondays and Fridays, others throughout the week. The options are limitless.

We would love to show how the zero-click kiosk can elevate your contract catering business! Contact our sales department to book an intro.